

Hello! Welcome! Thank you for visiting Room 234's blogspot!

In this blog you will be able to follow along in the artistic process of the 8th grade art students for the semester. The home page will be used to show different student examples of the project that we are currently working on in class along with descriptions of the project itself. Please surf around this blog to become more familiar with some of the super cool things.

Some cool things I'd recommend doing while on this blog:

1. Reading the "Never Apologize for your Art" Mission page

2. Familiarize yourself with "Artsonia" page

3. Check to see if there is anything due in the art room under the "What's New and Due?" page

4. See if there is anything you or your family can donate to the art room under, "I Can Get Rid of That?!" page

5. Click around on the "ARTastic Links" to see some of the fantastic art sites the World Wide Web has to offer!

6. Get a laugh and check out the "Rm. 234 is Artfully Funny" page

7. Forget which artist we talked about on Mystery Monday? Want to show a friend or family member the cool new artist you just learned about? Then visit the "Mystery Monday" page to view all the artists we have talked about.

I hope you will enjoy checking this blog regularly to see what updates have been added! Happy reading!

Ms. Krieger